Tag Archives: Workouts

Felt the Burn

My problem isn’t getting to the gym, my problem is that I favor cardio > strength training.  Why?  Because no matter how many fitness articles I read, I still don’t know what the heck I’m doing when it comes to weights.  The bike, elliptical, and treadmill are easy: you set the incline and/or resistance and move your legs.  Weight machines are pretty easy too: you set the weight, complete 10-15 reps, and repeat 3 times.  Done and done.

My struggles are that when I’m on a weight machine [or are using free weights], I have no clue what weight I should use or if my form is correct.  Do I pull all the way down or just halfway?  Do I inhale or exhale?  How fast or slow should I be going?  There are so many factors!


With this in mind, Ryan and I signed up to try a strength training program at our gym two days this week.   Holy heck, Tuesday night we got our butts kicked for 45 minutes!  Our instructor started with a few ab exercises and then proceeded to take us through a circuit of strength training exercises, focusing on our shoulders and thighs [with 2 sets of lunges in between each set]…  We. felt. the. burn.

pardon my facial expression, this picture must be mid-adrenaline rush, ha!

Our instructor mentioned that we may feel sore later but that would be normal.  Wednesday morning I woke up feeling okay, a little sore in my shoulders but still had enough strength to make a stack of waffles 😉  Ryan woke up and didn’t want to move!

On Wednesday we were instructed to choose a routine from a cardio script; I chose to hop on the elliptical.  I typically do intervals on the elliptical, but only alternate between 2 levels and each interval lasts 4-8 minutes, just enough time to get lost in a magazine and lose track of what I’m at the gym to do, to sweat.  This routine doesn’t allow you to do that, it keeps you attentive because the intervals change every 2 minutes.  With a good playlist, the workout goes by super fast!

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s a workout so try it maybe?


2-Minute Elliptical Ladder

0:00- 2:00  level 2 resistance

2:00- 4:00  level 4 resistance

4:00- 6:00 level 6 resistance

6:00- 8:00 level 8 resistance

8:00- 10:00 level 10 resistance

decrease resistance to 2 and repeat


*Repeat as many times as you’d like.  The ladder takes 10 minutes to complete.*

I did 4 ladders for a total of 40 minutes followed by a 5-minute cooldown.  With the little energy I had left, I did some medicine ball twists and Tina’s 8-Minute Plank ChallengeI. felt. the. burn.

When I got home I refueled with a gigantic [unpictured] kitchen sink salad, eggs topped with avocado, and crumpets with peanut butter.  Eggs and avocado is a winning combination- it’s packed with protein and healthy fats, it’s super simple, and it’s super satisfying!

Tonight we have training session #2 and assuming we can still sign our names at the end of the class, I have a feeling we’ll be signing up for the 13-week program that starts next week…  Bring. on. the. burn!

“It’s that first step—getting out the door—that’s the toughest. If you can do that, you’ve already won.”

~Mary J. Blige



Question:  What do you prefer, cardio or strength training?

Question:  Do you have a personal trainer or attend any group training classes?  Have you seen any improvements with your form or overall strength?


Filed under Fitness, Food, Health, Music

What I’m Loving Wednesday 10.10.12

I’m loving… F.A.L.L.

[all the flavors, scenery, and scents]

I’m loving… Looking at puppy Halloween costumes!

[we’re taking suggestions for Charlie!  a pumpkin?  a super hero?  a monster?]


I’m loving… Pancakes.

[cinnamon applesauce ‘cakes are my latest and greatest *recipe coming soon*]

I’m loving… Modern Family and Grey’s Anatomy.

[it’s going to be a hilariously awesome and suspenseful TV season]



I’m loving… Avocados.

[not a new love, but still a strong love]

I’m loving…  Exploring Whole Foods during my lunch break.

[a few new-to-me products but unfortunately not all of them were worth the purchase]

I’m loving…  Incorporating strength training into my daily sweat session.

[it’s time to turn these mushy muscles into strong muscles]

I’m loving…  My momma’s birthday present, the iPhone 5!

[it’s always fun to play with a new gizmo]




P.S.  I’m not loving…  A liquid diet.

[prepping for my procedure on Friday]

Question:  What are you loving?

Question:  Have you ever tried drinking apple cider vinegar?  In my opinion, it wasn’t *that* bad but it wasn’t great.  I don’t think I’ll be purchasing it again anytime in the near future.


Filed under Charlie, Fitness, Food, Health, Shopping, TV & Movies

13 Things Thursday 5.17.12

Thing 1.  I am back on an avocado kick, one a day every day.  Diced up on top of a salad, mixed with shredded chicken, added to a bowl of piping hot quinoa, or sliced on top of eggs…

Thing 2.  On Tuesday Charlie went to the vet to get his “manhood” removed [aka he got neutered].  The animal hospital kept him overnight which was probably for the best because as soon as he got home yesterday he went wild.  The poor little guy looks pretty pathetic with a cone around his neck to prevent him from licking the wound…

Thing 3.  Tonight I’m making a caprese quinoa salad for a potluck tomorrow night.  It’s my first time making it so hopefully it turns out to be tasty!  I’m taking inspiration from here

Thing 4.  One of my good girlfriends got engaged last weekend- so exciting!  I cannot wait to start talking wedding details with her…

Thing 5.  May is my second month participating in Foodie Penpals hosted by Lindsay over at The Lean Green Bean.  If you’re a blogger or a food lover you should totally check it out!  Last night I mailed my package to Ashley and received my package from Kim

Thing 6.  Not like I’m counting or anything, but there are only 20 more days left of school!  Thinking back, the east coast earthquake, the first day of school, and the torrential rain storm seem so long ago but were only a few months ago.  Have you ever noticed how quickly the days pass by so quickly but add up so slowly?  And sometimes, it’s just the opposite, the days pass slowly and add up quickly…

Thing 7.  It’s official, I accepted a job offer!  Friday, June 15th is the last day of school and Monday, June 18th is the first day at my new job.  I am super psyched to start!  So much for a summer break…

Thing 8.  On Saturday, my momma, my maid of honor, Ryan, and I are going to our first cake tasting!  When thinking back to weddings that I’ve been to in the past, I remember most cakes being either chocolate or vanilla but the two bakeries that we have scheduled tastings at offer so many flavorful options and unique combinations!  Do people tend to choose chocolate and vanilla because they are most common and widely liked?  I’ll share more about what flavors and fillings we chose to taste in a post over the weekend…

Thing 9.  For the past few weeks my gym routine has been super sporadic since most days I have something on my schedule for after school.  If my sweat session is planned for the morning, my routine consists of waking up at 4:45AM, driving to the gym, starting my workout by 5AM and finishing around 6AM, driving home, packing lunches for Ryan and me, eating breakfast, showering, and leaving for school by 7AM.  Those few free afternoons have been greatly appreciated…

Thing 10.  Despite being MIA from the blog world lately, there have been a few changes to LAB.  A) If you haven’t already noticed, there is a new page featuring all of my “Favorite Finds Friday” posts- be sure to check them out if you’re a Pinterest fanatic like myself!  B) Rather than featuring “Successes Sunday” weekly, I will be summarizing my progress towards achieving my goals on a monthly basis- weekly has been a bit much and sometimes I feel like I’m fishing for words.  I want to be proud to share updates and achieve my goals…

Thing 11.  There are so many movies out [and coming out soon] that I want to see- The Lucky One, The Avengers, What to Expect When You’re Expecting!  I just need to find someone to go with…

Thing 12.  There are only 130 more days until I’m dressed in white and say “I do!”  Oh my…

Thing 13.  The past few weeks I have had every intention to blog but after working all day, sweating myself silly at the gym, and trying to squeeze in brief periods of meaningful time with my family and friends, blogging has been put on the back burner.  Don’t get me wrong, LAB has been on my mind daily and I feel guilty that I have not been keeping y’all in the loop.  On a daily basis I ask Ryan not to let me fall asleep before I blog but he’s too sweet and either he A) knows how much I need my rest or B) believes me every time I tell him “I’ll do it tomorrow.”  Either way, the slacking needs to stop…

Question:  Share 2 [or 13] random things!

Question:  What races are you competing in this summer/ fall?  I’m interested in running a half-marathon or attempting a triathlon!

Daily Memorable Moment May 17: TG[T]IF…  Thank goodness [tomorrow] is Friday!  There are many fun things on the schedule this weekend 🙂

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Filed under Blogging, Charlie, Fitness, Food, Friends, Recipes, TV & Movies, Wedding, Work