Tag Archives: Ryan

Marvelous In My Monday [MIMM] 11.12.12

The weather the past 3 days has been a real treat, much more enjoyable than the blustery and cool weather that rolled in last week…  Today was no different, sunny and spring-like, I definitely wanted to take advantage of it and be outside!  My Monday was just as marvelous as my weekend!

Marvelous…  3-day weekends [whoop, whoop].


Marvelous…  A peppermint skim cappuccino from Starbucks.

Marvelous…  A peanut butter pancake bowl for breakfast.

Marvelous…  A long walk with a girlfriend, chatting about recent happenings and “it’s so bad, it’s so good” TV shows.

Marvelous…  A spicy salsa lentil stuffed pepper topped with melty mozzarella cheese for lunch.

Marvelous…  Chobani brownies topped with Peanut Butter Puffins.

Marvelous…  Going to the driving range and playing mini golf with Ryan.

Marvelous…  On-the-go afternoon snacks.

Marvelous…  A successful sweat session of 35 minutes spinning + 10 minutes stairs followed-up with TNT’s week 2 challenge and abs.

Week 1 Challenge

15 push-ups

20 squats

30 homework crunches

50 jumping jacks

*3 times through with no rest*

Week 2 Challenge

50 push-ups

1 mile run/ jog/ walk

Marvelous…  Watching He’s Just Not That Into You and the smell of pizza cooking in the oven for dinner.


Marvelous…  MIMM, thanks Katie from Healthy Diva Eats!  I always enjoy reading other people’s marvelous posts, it’s a great way to start the week on a positive note 🙂



Question:  What’s your favorite “it’s so bad, it’s so good” TV show?

Question:  Have you ever baked with yogurt?  Do you have a favorite recipe?


Filed under Charlie, Family, Fitness, Food, Friends

Thankful Thursday 11.8.12

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching and Christmas less than 2 months away, now seems like a better time than ever to take a moment to stop, reflect, and thank.

Jessie from Jessie Loves to Run started hosting Thankful Thursday a few weeks ago and unsurprisingly she has had an overwhelmingly positive response!  For more information about Thankful Thursday, click here.

This is my first week participating, but I know that I will continue to take part in future weeks.  Oftentimes I think that we forget to thank, or rather assume that thanks has been given, to all of those who have helped make our lives a little bit better…  I truly believe that it’s the little things in life that mean the most.

The best is yet to comeEver since I wrote that post earlier this week, that saying has resonated with me.  Far too often I get caught up in the little things and have a hard time moving forward unless it’s “perfect” in my mind.  I will be the first to admit that my perfectionist personality can be a hindrance at times, but I will also admit that I am trying to work on it.  Take for example last night’s dinner.  Over the weekend I kept telling Ryan how I want to make more of an effort to cook a hearty, healthy, and satisfying dinner.  At first I was bummed with myself that I opted for boxed soup, but it’s what sounded good at the time.  After I sat down and dug in I was delightfully surprised…  Sometimes the simplest things can be the most satisfying, dinner success!

TJ’s Low Sodium Organic Creamy Tomato Soup topped with a sunny egg + black pepper

Spending time with my BFF.  Last Saturday I met my BFF for a study date.  In between sipping Starbucks and actually working [ahem, the point of our date], we chatted and caught-up since we hardly see each other since she moved downtown.  Anddd I am psyched about our sleepover tomorrow!  We have big plans that include: getting Naked Pizza [get your mind out of the gutter!], watching movies, wearing our most comfortable stretchy pants and slippers, munching on chocolate and popcorn while watching movies, and unwinding from the week.  It should be a stupendously fun night!

throwback to Color Day when we were seniors in high school

Laughing with Ryan.  The past few months have been pretty hectic for both Ryan and I between work, our wedding, and my health-related issues, so I cherish any time we have together.  Regardless of whether we’re out running errands, lazily laying on the couch after work, or playing with Charlie, I love when we spend time together…  Good thing I married him 😉  One of my favorite things about him is that he laughs at his own jokes.  They may not be the funniest joke [most of the time they’re pretty silly], but his chuckle that follows is hilariously cute.

my two favorite guys

Making blends.  What the heck is a blend?  No, I’m not referring to a coffee flavor or a fancy food…  A blend is a blogger + friend = blend!  After coming back from a summer break from blogging, I have truly been blessed to have bumped into so many new-to-me bloggers through link-ups such as Katie’s Marvelous in My Monday or Jenn’s What I Ate Wednesday, as well as through Instagram!  Blogging has provided me with a daily dose of motivation, inspiration to try new things, and a chance to share some of my own personal experiences.  I never would have imagined myself feeling so comfortable exchanging information with strangers who now I would consider my blend.

source: check our Tina’s post Why Blog Friends Rule

Zesty Blog Consulting.  I seriously could not thank Cory enough.  I have exchanged messages back and forth with him every day since he started redesigning LAB.  He has made every update that I have requested, has provided me with advice when making tough decisions [such as should the background be green or pink], and even has helped to calm my nerves about the process!  I’m so excited that the new site will be up and running NEXT WEEK [unless y’all got a sneak peek this morning], eek!



P.S.  This morning I was delightfully surprised and honored that both Jessie and Molly tried my peanut butter pancakes and enjoyed them!  Seeing their pretty stacks of ‘cakes made me feel a bit [pea]NUTTY so I combined my recipes for peanut butter puff pancakes + peanut butter pancakes = PEANUT BUTTER OVERLOAD PANCAKES!!!  Oh my goodness, these were out. of. this. world. AMAZING!

toppings: cinnamon Chobani + coconut bananas + dark chocolate chips + pistachios + dried apricots + honey

Question:  What are you thankful for this week?

Question:  Have you tried Naked Pizza?


Filed under Blogging, Family, Food, Friends, Holidays, Inspiration & Motivation, Recipes, Wedding

Marvelous In My Monday [MIMM] #4

It’s no secret that dogs share similarities with people. They eat, they sleep.  They play, they poop.  Anddd they get hiccups.  This morning in between packing my lunch and making a stack of peanut butter puff pancakes, I tried soothe, scare, and burp Charlie’s hiccups away but had no such luck.

Whenever I get hiccups I’m a fan of the Crazy 8’s: 8 quick sips of air, 8 quick sips of water, hold your breath for 8 seconds…  But getting a dog to do that is impossible.  Bummer, poor puppy 😦

Moving onto more marvelous things.  As I mentioned yesterday, this weekend was a good balance of relaxation and preparation, simply marvelous

Marvelous… Ryan’s birthday month.  I am a huge fan of birthdays, I have been since I was a young child and will be until I’m an old, old woman.  It’s the one month out of the year when it’s all about you and this month it’s all about Ryan!  Only 15 more days until he is officially an old man, eek!

Marvelous…  Fires.  Friday evening we had our first fire of the season to welcome the cooler weather.  It seems like within less than 24 hours the weather switched from fall to winter.  Good bye bare legs, hello leggings.

Marvelous… Sunnier mornings.  Thank goodness we set out clocks back this weekend.  I was beginning to think that I was waking up way too early because it was dark outside for hours after I was awake.  It was nice to see the sunrise while I was walking Charlie this morning!

Marvelous… Fresh cranberries.  The two times a year that tend to cook with cranberries are Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, that is until this weekend.  On Saturday I picked up a bag of fresh cranberries at TJ’s and wanted to make something new.  I took the easy way out and made a stack of ‘cakes and quickly cooked the cranberries in a skillet with water.  Next I’d like to try baking muffins or some sort of savory dish.

Marvelous… Outlet shopping.  Last week Ryan mentioned that he needed a new pair of jeans so I jumped at the opportunity to go shopping.  I’m trying to be more mindful of my expenses so I kept my wallet tucked away [out of sight, out of mind] with the exception of a few “essential” purchases such as a black leather belt, 2 seasonal candles from Yankee Candle, and 2 tasty treats from Williams-Sonoma.

Marvelous… TNT training.  Not only are Ryan, my momma, and I getting our butts kicked every Tuesday and Thursday night, but TNT has also provided us with free sessions on Saturdays, a cardio script, a stretching routine, weekly challenges, and a nutrition plan.  I’m not so sure that we all truly understood what we were signing up for [haha]!

Marvelous… Food prep.  The past few weeks my breakfasts have been delicious, my lunches have been tasty, and my dinners have been easy.  In the morning I have time to make myself a satisfying breakfast and pack myself a filling lunch, but by the time I get home at night all I wanna do is eat, not cook.  With this in mind, last night I prepped some things that Ryan and I can enjoy throughout the week such as veggie eggie cups topped with feta cheese and spicy mustard turkey burgers.

Marvelous…  Personalized card.  If something is free why not take it, right?  Well, when my bank offered me a free opportunity to design a personalized debit card I couldn’t turn down the offer.  Now everyone will know how much I love my little buddy!

Marvelous… Braids.  I started growing out my hair when Ryan and I set a wedding date thinking that I’d have more options with longer hair.  Now that I haven’t cut my hair in about a year [other than a few trimmings], it’s as long as it’s ever been!  After being whipped in the eye and having it stick to my back, I’ve started to braid when I go to the gym.  Now if only I knew how to do one of those fanchy-schmancy braids I always see in Pinterest.


Marvelous… Sleepovers.  Friday night my BFF is planning to come over for dinner and a slumber party.  I. am. so. EXCITED!  It’s going to be like we’re in elementary school again but this time we won’t have our parents checking-in on us to make sure that we’re asleep!



P.S.  I was SO touched by Ashley’s story about Jen, a health and wellness blogger living in New York.  Like many people in New Jersey and New York, Jen and her family were greatly affected by Hurricane Sandy and ultimately lost everything.  Ashley has gone above and beyond by creating a Rebuilding Registry to help Jen and her family start fresh…  To read more of Ashley’s story or to donate to the Rebuilding Registry, click here.

Question:  What do you think we’ll be eating like in 2050?  Check out this article, do you agree with their predictions?!

Question:  How do you get rid of hiccups?


Filed under Charlie, Family, Fashion, Fitness, Food, Friends, Money, Shopping