Favorite Finds Friday 11.9.12 [Pancake Edition]

I can’t help it, I have a nagging sweet tooth in the morning and I hard-core heart pancakes.  Sweet and fluffy.  Dense and filling.  Hearty and healthy.  They keep my belly full until lunch and they never get boring.  I can pile on the toppings and if I get a little heavy-handed, I can put them in a bowl and have a pancake boat.  Oh yes, that happened 😉

So with all that in mind, I thought it would be fun to have a Favorite Finds all things PANCAKE post!  Surprise, surprise…

Links Above: My Pinterest Boards // Links Below: Picture Source

Good Food: Spinach Lasagna Pancakes by Kiss My Broccoli


My Style: Powered by Pancakes


Sweet Treats: Ice Cream Sandwich Pancakes by Chocolate-Covered Katie


Events: Pancake Breakfast by Design Sponge


Health & Wellness: Cooking Light’s Best Pancake Recipes


Words of Wisdom: Faith, Hope, and Pancakes


Cuties: Pancake Puppy


For the Home: Holiday Pancake Pan


Places to Go: America’s Best Pancakes by Travel + Leisure


Flowers: How to Make Flower Pancakes by not martha


Laughing Out Loud: Holy Crepe!


DIY Projects: Pancake & Pajama Party Printable Invitation by Libby Lane Press


Education & Learning: Pancakes Defined


Wedding Attire: I Do, You Do, We Do Pancakes by Lucy Dylan Weddings


Looking Ahead to Baby: Pancakes, Pancakes! by Eric Carle




Question:  Do you prefer sweet or savory breakfasts?  Pancakes or waffles?  Scrambled or sunny eggs?  Bacon or sausage?

Question:  When do you prefer to workout?  Morning, afternoon, or evening?


Filed under Fashion, Favorite Finds Friday, Fitness, Food, Recipes

22 responses to “Favorite Finds Friday 11.9.12 [Pancake Edition]

  1. Holy freaking god. I feel like i Just got slapped silly by a pancake. Out of all of the content in this post I’m dying to try those spinach lasagna cakes. Sweet is great and all but savory is best!

  2. this is a glorious post 🙂 i can’t wait to make some cereal pancakes for myself tomorrow. a special weekend brunch for little old me!

  3. I agree with Caitlin! Out of them all I’d love to try the lasagna pancakes! Something different but I’m sure delicious! I used to be more of a savory breakfast person but when I was pregnant I started craving pancakes with peanut butter and syrup all the time! Now I’m more of a sweet breakfast person. Weird!
    I’m a morning workout person all the way. If I don’t get it done first thing in the morning, I have a VERY hard time doing it later in the day. Usually I wake up at 5:30 to do a 30 minute Fitmixer boot camp workout, then hit up the gym around 9:00 for a class or to run. Then we have the rest of the day free 🙂

    • I definitely wanna make them too! Sweet + savory is my favorite combo so the idea of savory pancakes sounds awesome 😉 And more power to you for waking up so early to workout! I *used* to be in a good routine of working out in the mornings before work but lately have favored sleep > sweating… Need to try to get back into the groove!

  4. I honestly never thought I would find anyone that enjoys pancakes as much as me. I have about 20+ recipes on my blog! LOL, sweet is the best!

  5. pickyrunner

    Oh wow I want all of this!!! Especially the ice cream sandwich ones and the restaurant list AND the holiday pan! If it was acceptable to get pancakes tonight for dinner I totally would.

  6. I have no idea what it is, but suddenly I have this huge craving for pancakes. Weird 😉 I do love pancakes, but I think I’m going to have to say that I love waffles more. Crisp on the outside and fluffy on the inside? Bliss. Either way, though, breakfast HAS to be sweet. I’ve never really been able to understand how people start the day on a savory note because I have to have my fruits, jams, and syrups!

  7. Aww, the pancake puppy is adorable!

  8. jessielovestorun

    Girll!!!! This post is AH-MAZING!! I love your obsession with pancakes. I think you may be turning me into a pancake addict as well 🙂 Today is the fourth day in a row that i’ve had em.

  9. Normally I would say sweet pancakes but those spinach lasagna ‘cakes look awesome! And I want that tee.

    Heather is at my house about to make me pancakes. I’m more than a little excited. 🙂

  10. You KNOW I’m lovin this post! I totally need that shirt!

    You gotta let me know what you think of the spinach pancakes if you try them…definitely a favorite from my pancake collection! 🙂

Whatcha think?