Tag Archives: Work

Three Months, One Really Long Day

I’mmm backkk!


So much has happened over the past 3 months…  I started my new job, summer has come and gone [hello fall!], anddd Ryan and I got married!  The past 3 months have been, without a doubt, a complete whirlwind and at times have felt like one reallyyy longgg dayyy but everything was well worth it and I now have memories that will last a lifetime!

The past few days I have felt under the weather and have been stuck at home.  While lazily laying on the couch, I’ve made many updates to the blog.  A girl can only watch so many hours of trashy reality shows and Lifetime movies before she gets a little stir-crazy…  Be sure to check out the updates:

I’m thinking that rather than writing about E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. has happened, which I don’t think anyone’s attention span could last that long, I’ll share some of my favorite pictures with y’all this weekend…  Stay tuned 🙂

P.S. I’m interested in potentially reformatting the blog.  Complete with a new banner, more tabs, etc.  If you have any comments, recommendations, or suggestions feel free to leave a comment below or email me!




Filed under Blogging, Family, Wedding

April was Ambitious

Since I was a little girl, I have always been ambitious and have taken on many challenges or “opportunities” at once.  For some reason having only one task at a time seems too easy, like I am not challenging myself.  Give me one thing and I’ll ask for another, and another, oftentimes juggling at least  three things and usually more.

The past month of April was no different.  It started out slow since the first week was spring break, but even then I wasn’t on break, rather I took the first three required courses to receive a certificate in event management.  The next two weeks I spent a countless number of hours glued to my computer writing teacher narratives and anecdotal notes for my students’ testing materials.  Those were finally finished and submitted the third week of the month.

And somewhere in between all of that, I have been…

Planning my wedding, applying to jobs, trying to maintain my social life, training a puppy, making meals, committing to assist in the planning of multiple social events, and releasing any leftover energy into sweat sessions at the gym…

In my mind, busy = good and April was definitely busy!

I can’t say that I hope May will be as busy, but I am fairly certain it will be…

I am  headed out-of-town this weekend with a group of girlfriends for my bachelorette party [wahooo], I hopefully will make a decision soon about jobs, I will be attending multiple IEP meetings at school, I will be celebrating birthdays and special events with my friends, I will continue to be in the kitchen cooking and at the gym working out, and last but certainly not least, I will continue to plan my wedding…

Oh and a handful of product reviews and giveaways [*stay tuned*]!

P.S.  Sunday Successes will be back this weekend.  In summary…

I have been listening to my body and avoiding gluten, although it has been extremely hard and I have indulged in a fluffy piece of wheat bread on occasion [but have immediately regretted it]…

I have NOT been saving money and have bought a few too many items of clothing, but I have justified each purchase saying that I need them for job interviews [funny how the mind works]…

Ryan and I have continued to train Charlie.  He’s mastered sit and lay down, we’re still working on crawl and shake, and when we say “stay” he looks at us like we’re speaking a foreign language…

Daily Memorable Moment May 1:  I’m committing myself to blogging EVERY DAY this month.  Ambitious?  Maybe.  Awesome?  Yes 😀

Question:  Would you rather have one thing to do or many things to do?

Question:  Do you set goals for yourself?  What’s your goal for May?


Filed under Blogging, Fitness, Food, Health, Money, Shopping, Successes Sunday, Wedding, Work

Productivity & Tweeny Tunes

The theme of the weekend: procrastination.  The theme of the week: productivity.

This week my schedule is packed with meetings and deadlines but thankfully after Wednesday a big weight will be lifted from my shoulders.  Over the past two months I have drilled my students on various math and science concepts but on Wednesday we will be ALL DONE, [WAHOO] 😀

Until then, I will be glued to my computer[s] writing teacher narratives and anecdotal reports.


On a completely unrelated note, yesterday I downloaded a bunch of new songs…  Some of them make me feel like a tweeny bopper but I’m completely a-ok with it!

“Good Girl” by Carrie Underwood


“Brokenhearted” by Karmin


“Stronger [What Doesn’t Kill You]” by Kelly Clarkson


“Part of Me” by Katy Perry


“So Good” by B.o.B


“Drive By” by Train


“Starships” by Nicki Minaj


“Glad You Came” by The Wanted


“Wild Ones” by Flo Rida featuring Sia


“Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen


“What Makes You Beautiful” by One Direction


“Boyfriend” by Justin Bieber


“We Are Young” by Fun. featuring Janelle Monae


“Somebody That I Used to Know” by Gotye featuring Kimbra


***all the songs are on iTunes in the “Top Charts” section***

Daily Memorable Moment April 16:  I finished writing 3 of my 6 students’ reports!

Question:  What’s your current favorite song?

Question:  Did you watch the Boston Marathon?  A big CONGRATS to all of the runners!!!  I wish I still lived in Boston so I could have celebrated Marathon Monday and have had the day off from work!


Filed under Music, Work