23 While 23

This is a list of 23 things that I want to do while I’m 23…  I’ve got 365 days and I hope to do them all!

*Goals from my 22 While 22 list that I either didn’t complete or I want to repeat*

  1. Bake at least 1 new recipe every month…  October: Veggie Eggie CupsPumpkin Spice Bran Eggie Cups.  Cereal Pancakes.
  2. Visit Boston*…
  3. Cut down on my expenses*…
  4. Go snorkeling…
  5. Try at least 5 new restaurants*…
  6. Pack a picnic and bike along the Potomac River…
  7. Run a 5K, 10K, 15K, and half-marathon*…
  8. Grow my hair out and cut if off to donate…
  9. Visit the Baltimore Aquarium*…
  10. Create a collage of all the cards that Ryan and I received from our wedding…
  11. Train Charlie to walk on his hind legs…
  12. Keep my address book up-to-date with family and friends’ current contact information…
  13. Volunteer at a homeless shelter*…
  14. Register to attend my first healthy living foodie festival*…
  15. Drink more water…
  16. Have one night each week of quality time [sans computer and phone] with Ryan…
  17. Host 3 get-togethers with our family and/or friends at our apartment…
  18. Visit the Newseum*…
  19. Learn to listen to my body…
  20. Create a collage of all the cards that Ryan and I sent to each other when we were in a long-distance relationship*…
  21. Go horseback riding*…
  22. Do one thing every month that is new-to-me or out of my comfort zone…  October: Apple picking.
  23. Pursue new opportunities for LAB…  UPDATE:  In October I was accepted to join the Clever Girls Collective network!  UPDATE: On 11/1/12 I was accepted to be a Sweat Pink Ambassador!

3 responses to “23 While 23

  1. Pingback: 2 LAB Newbies | Life's a Bowl

  2. I used to live in DC and am likely moving back after my master’s!!! Sounds like you live in the area 🙂

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