Monthly Archives: March 2012

I Feel Rich

…not because I was one of the lucky winners of last night’s Mega Millions drawing, but because I am surrounded by people whom I love and in return make me feel loved.  And at the end of the day, that’s all that matters.


But, if you are one of the lucky luck lotto winners I’d be happy to help lighten your load and split the winnings with you 😉

Daily Memorable Moment March 31:  Ryan, my momma, a friend and I spent the afternoon addressing and stamping the save the dates and I’m happy to report that they’re all done!

Question:  What makes you feel rich?

Question:  Anyone lucky enough to be related to one of the lotto winners?!


Filed under Family, Friends, Inspiration & Motivation

TGI… Spring Break

Join me in a little chant?  TGIF, TGIF, TGIF…  Thank Goodness It’s Friday!


Not only is it Friday and the end of the work week, but it’s also the last day of the third quarter at school [all of my grades have been submitted, check!] and exactly at 2:41PM I went on spring break [wahooo!] 😀

This weeks trend has been lots of randomness so let’s end the week with a random recap…

Lottery:  Ryan and I didn’t win, trust me, you would have known.  But the good news is that no one won so the winnings carried over to the drawing tonight and you betcha we bought more tickets!  The lottery jackpot it $640 million dollars [YAY] but the chances in winning are 1 in 176 million [NAY].  Read this article to find out about all the things you could buy with $640 million.

Food:  I haven’t done much sharing of my eats from the week because I’ve been distracted with other things, sorry!  A few of my tasty eats from the week [forewarning: lots of beans]…

500 Challenge:  After running and hiking, my creative juices weren’t flowing last night and I simply did 500 traditional crunches.  Ryan attempted to do them too but switched over to push-ups.  I think I’d like a and try doing some sort of ab circuit…  Anyone have any suggestions?!

Hike:  While hiking yesterday, my momma and I joked that we felt a little like we were in The Hunger Games 😛 After showing Ryan my [low-quality iPhone] pictures I didn’t have to do much convincing for him to agree to go back with me…

Sneakers:  They were great in the gym on the elliptical, spin bike, and treadmill but I was sadly disappointed with their performance on the pavement.  My toes really hurt today and I think I’ll be missing at least two toenails in the coming week.

Nails:  I figured out a solution for my two smudged nails- apply a top coat of glitter!  The little specks of glitter help to disguise the imperfections [note to self: remember this]…

Have a wonderful weekend!

Daily Memorable Moment March 30:  Today was the last day of the 3rd quarter and the start of spring break!  I can’t believe that we’ll only have 9 more weeks of school when we get back from break…

Question:  Are these random posts too random for you?

Question:  What are your fun weekend plans?!  My momma, a friend, and I are addressing our STD’s and Ryan and I are planning to register…  Weekend = wedding planning!


Filed under Fashion, Fitness, Food, Money, Work

13 Things Thursday

I have too many things on my mind to write a logical post so let’s be random and jump around 🙂


Thing #1:  I ditched the gym in favor of a mani and shopping date with one of my girlfriends- it was fabulous to catch-up, get pampered, and find clothes that I want but currently can’t afford.  I got “First Dance” by OPI and thought it looked great, until I woke up this morning and saw that two of my fingernails got smudged.  I don’t know when it happened since they looked fine last night after I played with Charlie, made dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, and did some pinning…

Thing #2:  Dinner was simple yet tasty…

Brown Rice

Steamed Stir-fry Veggies

Perdue Simply Smart Lightly Breaded Chicken Chunks,

TJ’s Teryiaki Sauce

…Voilà, dinner was served!  Ryan and I both agreed that we need to add this chicken teriyaki rice bowl into our meal rotation.  FYI: I can’t remember the last time I had Chinese food- I don’t like eating it because an hour later my stomach hurts.  Literally, every time.


Thing #3:  I read this article this morning and it made me rethink assigning homework.

“What the research shows is that, in countries where they spend more time on homework, the achievement results are lower,” Dr Walker, from Sydney University’s Education Faculty, said.

Too bad that thought lasted for .02 seconds and I gave my students homework tonight.

Thing #4:  A mom of one of my students brought me a special delivery: a bottle of water, a dozen deliciously smelling roses, and a bag full of produce…  Too nice!

Thing #5:  After lunch I popped in a piece of cinnamon gum and it made my tongue tingle.  Is that normal?  Does anyone experience this?  I eat ground cinnamon almost every day and it doesn’t make my tongue tingle…

Thing #6:  Did you know that 1 out of every 88 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder?  Boys are five times as likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls [source].  To read more about autism, check out the Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] website.

Thing #7:  I tested out my new sneakers and ran 5 [hilly] miles after school!  That’s a big accomplishment considering the farthest I’ve run in the past few months is no more than 1.5 miles.  I definitely want to and need to get back into my running routine!  Too bad I think that a few of my toenails are going to turn purple…

Thing #8:  My momma texted me earlier in the day asking if I wanted to go for a hike down to the river.  I couldn’t say no to a hike on such a gorgeous day and I’m so glad she asked- the scenery and the blue bell flowers were breathtakingly beautiful- a simple reminder why I love where I live!

Thing #9:  When I was reading Monica’s post over at Run, Eat, Repeat about her love for crab cakes, I realized that I have lived in the DC area for all of my 22 years of life and love crab cakes, but I have never eaten a Maryland crab cake!  I immediately texted one of my girlfriends and she informed me that she knows exactly where we need to go 🙂  FYI: Maryland is known for their crabs…

Thing #10:  I’ve been back and forth about it, but I think I need to try a gluten-free diet for at least a week.  The past few days I have limited my consumption to one or two servings of wheat and have noticed a difference.  Sad but true.

Thing #11:  Tonight Ryan and I are going to attempt Bess’ from Bess Be Fit “500 Challenge.”  The challenge is to do 500 ab exercises today…  I usually average 100 a day, so it’s just 5 times 100 [ha], OYE!


Thing #12:  Tomorrow is the last day of the third quarter- I am in disbelief, time has literally flown out the window!  We’re having a party at the end of the day full of fun, food, crafts, and a movie…  I still need to figure out the craft and the movie.

Thing #13:  This week we’ve had spirit week at school [today was PJ day and I definitely participated :)] because next week is spring break- WAHOOO]!

Daily Memorable Moment March 29:  Running 5 miles and going on a hike with my momma!

Question:  What workout did you do today?

Question:  Have you ever seen a blue bell?  I’ve also heard them be called blue bonnets…


Filed under Family, Fashion, Fitness, Food, Friends, Health, Recipes, Shopping, Work